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Woodland Heights Elementary School
Ensuring success with every student, every day, in every way!
Principal, Michaela Champlin
Coordinator of Student Services and Preschool, Andrea Faller
School Secretary, Kerry Mull
Special Education Secretary, Tammie Huckins
Ensuring success with every student, every day, in every way!
Principal, Michaela Champlin
Coordinator of Student Services and Preschool, Andrea Faller
School Secretary, Kerry Mull
Special Education Secretary, Tammie Huckins
Woodland Heights 225 Winter St. Laconia NH 03246 Phone - 603-524-8733 Fax - 603-528-8688 Attendance
If your child is going to be late or absent from school, please call 524-8733 ext. 3000 or send an email to Kerry Mull at [email protected] Students WILL NOT be dismissed from the office after 2:30pm. PLEASE do not park in the Bus Lane to pick up your student after 2:30pm
Please call before 2:30pm about transportation changes
School Day Schedule
8:15am Students can be dropped off for breakfast 8:30am First Bell Rings, All students can come into school 8:45am Last Bell, Classes Start Lunch will be eaten in classrooms 11:15am K & 1st Gr. Lunch 11:55am 2nd & 3rd Gr. Lunch 12:25pm 4th & 5th Gr. Lunch 3:00pm Student Dismissal |
wOODLAND HEIGHTS HAPPENINGS2022-2023 BUS ROUTES2022-2023 Laconia School District Internet Usage AgreementCOVID-19 GUIDELINES![]()
NH DHHS Isolation and quarantine guidelines![]()
Zones Check-in for families at home |
District Information Adult Education Elm Street School Huot Tech Center Laconia High School Laconia Middle School Pleasant Street School Office of Extended Learning Office of School Wellness School Board SAU For Students GMAIL Office 365 Login Food Services Library Resources TumbleBooks Artsonia Kids Band Website For Staff ALMA GMAIL Office 365 Login School Dude MyLearning Plan myNHDOE MSB Login Portal Field Trip Request Form Employee Leave Form For Parents ALMA Technical Support for Laptops & iPads Food Services School Nurse website TumbleBooks Title I Schoolwide Plan - WHS 2022-2023 School Calendar WHS Parent Handbook April Title I Newsletter District Laconia School District Facility Use Form |